L&DI Blog & News
Learning & Development Institute, founded in 1969, is the professional body representing members concerned with Learning and Talent Development in Ireland.
brain, teams, work, psychodynamics
learning, development, teams, hybrid, work
Reconnecting Teams
Ahead of a fast-changing future, leaders need to bring their teams back together – with purpose, energy and through fostering a sense of belonging.
development, brain, teams
Why is positive mental ...
By Geoff McDonald Through his positive mental health advocacy work, Geoff McDonald has seen a significant increase in workplace interest in the topic. However, he is warning that there is a lot of work still to be done. He highlights mental health and general health should be a strategic pri
teams, work
The Rise & Power of Team ...
By Louise McNamara, Director, Invisio In part one of this two-part series, Louise McNamara explored the rise of teams in organisation structures and what a high-performing team looks like, before going on to clarify what team coaching is, how it differs from other
We’re All in Leadership ...
Barry Posner, co-author of best-selling The Leadership Challenge and Professor of Leadership at Santa Clara University, California, presented a seminar in Dublin last week entitled: The truth about leadership: What exemplary leaders do, as part of the 21st international Vincentian Business Et
Cultivating a Coaching ...
By Louise Mc Namara, Director at Invisio Indulge me for a moment and think about the things that concerned you in your work life before the current crisis. Were you concerned about any, or indeed all of these?: 1. Customer experience 2. R
learning, development, teams
Online Courses Help ...
By Mary Connaughton, Business Strategist, Code Institute The speed at which our world is changing came into sharp focus recently as the evolving pandemic forced the closure of campuses and business around the world. While many businesses were equipped to respond swiftly, colleges scramble
teams, work
The Engaged Employee – ...
By Danny Sheahan There is an often quoted account of President John F Kennedy’s visit to the NASA space centre in 1962, whereby the President meets a janitor and asks, “What is it that you do?”. The janitor replies “Mr President, I’m helping to put a ma