L&DI Blog & News
Learning & Development Institute, founded in 1969, is the professional body representing members concerned with Learning and Talent Development in Ireland.
development, inclusive learning
development, skills, upskilling
Curtain comes down on ...
Recap of the closing ceremony for the European Year of the Skills
development, work, skills, business, micro credentials
Micro-Credentials - A ...
Recent CEDEFOP review found growth in use of micro-credentials, but review highlighted confusion among users. Now, EU aim to introduce common standards.
development, work, apprentice
What Works Best in the ...
Graduates transitioning from education to labour force are dealing with constant change due to decline in routine tasks and rise in tech-intensive tasks
learning, development, work, skills, business
Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation ...
Dr Cyril Kirwin makes the case for Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Framework's shortcomings and how it is interpreted and deployed in business
learning, development, skills, Philips ROI
Five reasons we need to ...
Dr Cyril Kirwan highlights 5 reasons why Philips ROI model is not adding any practical value to L&D efforts and why L&D's attachment to it is misplaced.
learning, development, work, News
Irish job market ...
Employment market is trending upwards in Ireland, which is of interest to Learning & Development professionals
learning, development, work, conference
Review of IITD's National Conference for L&D professionals entitled Re-Imagining Learning In the New World of Work: Curiosity, Chaos & Connection
learning, development, hybrid, work
The transition to hybrid ...
Transitioning to hybrid working is a journey. If you’ve already “arrived”, reach out to your colleagues still on the journey.
development, work, change
The Language of Change
Our emotional reactions to language are largely unavoidable. That is why the words you use matter and intentional language is critical
learning, development
It's time for L&D to fly ...
By Brian Murphy, Senior Director, Employee Skilling, Microsoft
learning, development, teams, hybrid, work
Reconnecting Teams
Ahead of a fast-changing future, leaders need to bring their teams back together – with purpose, energy and through fostering a sense of belonging.
learning, development, brain, memory
Learn by numbers
how to memorise the periodic table of elements. Tips and tricks.
development, brain, teams
Why is positive mental ...
By Geoff McDonald Through his positive mental health advocacy work, Geoff McDonald has seen a significant increase in workplace interest in the topic. However, he is warning that there is a lot of work still to be done. He highlights mental health and general health should be a strategic pri
Are You Ready? 4 ...
By Kathleen Fanning “When you are hit with life-disrupting events, you will never be the same again. You either cope or you crumble; you become better or bitter; you emerge stronger or weaker.” Al Siebert This quote by Al Siebert certainly captures the time we
learning, development, teams
Online Courses Help ...
By Mary Connaughton, Business Strategist, Code Institute The speed at which our world is changing came into sharp focus recently as the evolving pandemic forced the closure of campuses and business around the world. While many businesses were equipped to respond swiftly, colleges scramble