The Circular Economy: Living More, Using Less
Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The Government has recently published Ireland’s first Circular Economy Strategy 20
The Learning & Development Institute, founded in 1969, is the professional body representing members concerned with Learning and Talent Development in Ireland.
By Gerard Walker
Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The Government’s 2020 Budget Statement highlights that the defining challenge of our generation is to ensure that the economy can grow while reducing our carbon emissions impact. Transitioning to a low carbon economy is a main pillar of the Governments Future Jobs Programme. The global transition to energy sustainability, Governments Climate Action measures, new environmental regulations and consumer preferences for more eco-friendly products and services are impacting on job-skills requirements across the economy. This is incentivising enterprises towards achieving greater energy efficiency and sustainability goals. Sustainable business growth opportunities in the domestic and export markets can be supported by the development of “green skills” and talent. Several sectors are particularly impacted by this transition although all sectors are being affected to varying degrees.
Green Skills impact on specific Sectors Ireland
Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The Government has recently published Ireland’s first Circular Economy Strategy 20
The Government's research paper on Remote Work in Ireland is a deliverable of Future Jobs Ireland 2019, which places a focus on fostering participation in the labour force through flexible working solutions. Such solutions are increasingly a priority from a range of perspectives, from sust
By Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work-Insights The Government's July Jobs Stimulus is aimed at helping businesses to protect jobs and create new jobs, supporting people without jobs, especially young people, building confidence and solidarity in consumers and communities and starti