The Circular Economy: Living More, Using Less
Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The Government has recently published Ireland’s first Circular Economy Strategy 20
The Learning & Development Institute, founded in 1969, is the professional body representing members concerned with Learning and Talent Development in Ireland.
By Gerard Walker, Future Jobs Skills-Work-Insights
This new Government Pathways to Work Strategy is designed to drive employment recovery in Ireland. It comprises a key element of the Governments Recovery Plan, which aims to exceed pre-crisis employment levels by 2024. The Strategy is framed against the background of the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic, Brexit, and ongoing changes in the nature of work.
Key commitments of the Strategy include:
• Reducing youth employment from 44% to 12.5%. As part of a reinforced Youth Guarantee, a special package of supports will be provided for young people. This will comprise 50,000 further and higher training places, delivering 10,000 apprenticeship registrations each year, and providing recruitment subsidies for employers who take young people off the Live Register.
• A new Work Placement Experience programme will be established with 10,000 paid quality work placements for people who have been unemployed for six months. Some 4,000false
Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The Government has recently published Ireland’s first Circular Economy Strategy 20
Gerard Walker Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The National Skills Bulletin 2020 produced by SOLAS (published this week) assesses Ireland’s labour market in 2019 and how the effect of COVID-19 has impacted on occupational employment outlooks in 2020. During 2019, employment c
By Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work-Insights The Government's July Jobs Stimulus is aimed at helping businesses to protect jobs and create new jobs, supporting people without jobs, especially young people, building confidence and solidarity in consumers and communities and starti