Budget 2024 response
Learning & DEvelopment Institute's response and reaction to the Government's Budget announcement for 2024
The Learning & Development Institute, founded in 1969, is the professional body representing members concerned with Learning and Talent Development in Ireland.
By Gerard Walker, Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights
Attracting and retaining talent is essential for business competitiveness. Excessive employee turnover results in a loss of expertise as well as significant replacement costs for employers. It results in firms under-investing in the development of their own employees and instead sourcing talent from other firms. The OECD report “Retaining Talent of all Ages” will be of interest to L&D professionals. It presents evidence of international trends in job tenure and employee turnover. Key employer and public policies are identified that support increased employee retention including training and skills development, better working conditions, and promoting well-being in the workplace. The evidence is that people are now switching their jobs more often in the majority of OECD countries. Average job tenures have declined across all age groups and for men and women. In Ireland, average, job tenures have decreased by 16% over the last fivefalse
Learning & DEvelopment Institute's response and reaction to the Government's Budget announcement for 2024
By Gerard Walker Future Jobs-Skills-Work Insights The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to an increase in unemployment across the world. In Ireland, the unemployment rate has risen to 16% with young people (15-25 years) hardest hit with 38% unemployed. The importance of inv
By Mary Connaughton, Business Strategist, Code Institute The speed at which our world is changing came into sharp focus recently as the evolving pandemic forced the closure of campuses and business around the world. While many businesses were equipped to respond swiftly, colleges scramble