Books, Podcasts & Websites

A selection of books, podcasts and websites to inform and inspire you.

From Efficiency to Impact: Egle Vinauskaite and Don Taylor

Don Taylor and Eglė Vinauskaitė chat about their recent report - AI and L&D: Intention and Reality

The Unforgettable Learning Podcast

Interviews and conversations with L&D visionaries to uncover the essence of transformative learning

Women Talking About Learning

Conversations between women talking about different aspects of L&D

Learnovate - Inside Learning

How do we reach our potential in work and life? The Inside Learning podcast explores the science of learning and the future of work with expert guest speakers and research-based insights from The Learnovate Centre. Hosted by author, consultant and coach Aidan McCullen.

Josh Bersin

Insights on Corporate Talent, Learning, and HR Technology

Building Better Cultures

Scott McInnes on how really good internal comms, engagement and leadership all contribute to 'Building Better Cultures'.

International Business Today

Hosts and guests share proven research and highlight what works in practice.

Financial Times - Working It

Keeping you up to date on the post-pandemic trends shaking up workplaces worldwide.

The eLearning Coach

Discussing well-designed and thoughtfully planned eLearning that builds complex skills.


A handbook of tools to motivate your learners

The Work Healthy Podcast Series

For anybody passionate about creating healthier workplaces that deliver better results. Business leaders, HR experts and employees hungry for knowledge, insights and ideas to transform old ways of working and replace them with new approaches that make work actually work!

Voices of CLO

Hear from CLOs, as they share their stories, their successes and setbacks, and what's top of mind as we move forward into the future of learning and work.

Human Resource Development Masterclass

Explores the fundamentals of HRD and how those are changing in the workplace of the 2020s

Adam Grant - Re:Thinking

Great minds don’t think alike — they challenge each other to think differently. Adam Grant's podcasts explore new thoughts and new ways of thinking.

How to retain Gen Z talent

Andrei Adams addresses common misperceptions about his generation and providing three actionable strategies for employers to get Gen Z employees to stick around.

Arts-Based Approaches to Business Education

Approaching business education through the medium of the arts

Learning Habits

Gain a better understanding of the influence of habits in your organization and how to build learning into existing habits or foster new ones to help with learning

The Overnight Trainer

Take the guesswork out of becoming an L&D professional. If you are you looking to get into L&D or have recently been promoted to a Corporate Trainer or Instructional Design, make sure you have the right tools to succeed.

Learning While Working

Interviews with leading thinkers in learning, eLearning and digital learning, performance driven instructional, design and learning data

The Learning at Large Podcast

The podcast where global leaders discuss the challenges of delivering people-centered learning at scale.

The Digital Adoption Show

Thought leaders in L&D and HR talk about strategies that work, stories of execution & growth, and how they accelerate digital adoption


Game-based learning platform for business and education

Huberman Lab

Boost Attention & Memory with Science-Based Tools - Dr Wendy Suzuki

Learning Ecosystem

Case studies guide the reader through the current learning needs for future L&D success

360Learning Podcast

Shining a light on how L&D leaders in market-leading companies are partnering with other teams to make collaborative learning a reality

Instructional Story Design

Book review of Instructional Story Design: Develop Stories That Train, by Rance Greene (2020)

The Learning Hack

Donald Clark and John Helmer discuss the history of thought and theories about learning.

MyTribel - Deeper Learning

Series of interviews on cutting edge L&D techniques in use today

The Mind Tools

Updated weekly, hosts Gemma Towersey, Ross Dickie, Owen Ferguson and Ross Garner as discuss work, performance and learning.

Dare To Lead

Brené Brown has conversations with change-catalysts, culture-shifters, and more than a few troublemakers who are innovating, creating, and daring to lead.

The Chord

John Fitzgerald answers some of the questions about what it takes to embrace the future of work. With automation comes change and the transition to a new way of work will involve compromise.

The puzzle of motivation

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think.

Why we do what we do

Tony Robbins discusses the "invisible forces" that motivate everyone's actions — and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.

The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data — including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop."

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers.

My stroke of Insight

Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions — motion, speech, self-awareness — shut down one by one. An astonishing story.

How schools kill creativity

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

Should you live for your Resumé, or your Eulogy

Within each of us are two selves, suggests David Brooks in this meditative short talk: the self who craves success, who builds a résumé, and the self who seeks connection, community, love — the values that make for a great eulogy.

All about Learning & Development. Extensive sections on every aspect of the function.

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) advises the Irish Government on current and future skills needs of the economy and on other labour market issues that impact on Ireland’s enterprise and employment growth.

skills.oecd is an OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) website that presents all the most recent OECD reports, data and videos related to skills.

Upside Learning shares an array of resources and knowledge in the area of Learning Technology Solutions including White Papers, E-books, Webinars, Case Studies, Presentations etc.

Training Journal delivers informative, timely and practical content to assist anyone involved in workplace L&D. TJ is committed to supporting CPD through in-depth features that analyse L&D principles in detail.

e-Learning Industry

eLearning Industry is designed to help instructional designers and (or) eLearning professionals to find a project or a temporary basis job.

Entrepreneur is a North American publication that carries news stories about entrepreneurialism, small business management, and business opportunities.

Workplace Essentials

The Workplace essentials website provides small to medium businesses with a 'one-stop' gateway to find useful information, templates, links and resources that can help them to better plan, develop and retain a skilled workforce.

Educators Technology

A resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators.

Business Training Works

Business Training Works has grown to include a large library of training courses and a network of skilled trainers and workshop facilitators.

This website includes a selection of over 250,000 Graphics, Vectors, Icons, Buttons and Images. This site provides 7 days of free downloads (limited to 20 per day)

This website provides an extensive library of over 4,000 fully customisable diagrams.


Takes current business challenges and taps into the worlds leading minds to get them working on your business.

Insead - The Business School for the World

Discover Insead's complete portfolio of 50+ Open Programmes that cover a broad range of business disciplines.

You can take hundreds of courses from the world’s best universities and instructors. Courses are open to anyone, and are available anytime, anywhere

Free online courses from top universities and specialist organisations.

The Learning and Skills Group

An international community of L&D professionals interested in organisational learning and learning technology with more than 10,000 members.

Harvard Business Review

Find new ideas and classic advice on strategy, innovation and leadership, for global leaders from business and management experts.

Leadership and Change Management

A leader’s role in the management of change is a critical issue for successful outcomes of strategic initiatives. Globalization and economic instability have prompted an increase in organizational changes related to downsizing and restructuring in order to improve financial performance and organizational competitiveness.

The Magnetic Lead

Employees don’t work for companies; they work for people. The more irresistible you are as a leader, the more pull you have for employees to want to stay and for your customers to remain loyal. In The Magnetic Leader, Roberta Matuson asks us to consider that the quality of a company’s leadership is the most important factor in attracting and retaining high-quality employees.

Managing for Resilience

In an era of longer hours and shorter contracts, of tighter margins and frequent organizational change, stress can undermine both the mental health and performance of employees. A culture of resilience in the workplace, however, offers the potential to support psychological wellbeing and improve the performance of both people and organizations.

Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success

Combining theory, research, and applications, this popular text guides college students on how to become self-regulated learners. Students gain knowledge about human motivation and learning as they improve their study skills.

The Adult Learner

How do you tailor education to the learning needs of adults? Do they learn differently from children?

Ethical Leadership by Joan Marques

This book introduces readers to the moral dilemmas associated with business decisions, helping students to understand the moral and ethical considerations leaders face in the workplace, and providing a framework for balancing business demands with doing the right thing.

Global Leadership

This text offers a comprehensive, up-to-date view of the global leadership field. Focusing on leading across cultural, economic, social, national and political boundaries simultaneously, Global Leadership presents the field’s latest studies and practices in a succinct and engaging style that helps students grasp the complexities of being a global leader.

Performance Coaching for Complex Projects by Tony Llewellyn

Performance Coaching for Complex Projects recognises a world of complex undertakings for which the common transactional mindsets and methodologies will not produce the required results. The author advocates, instead, the novel concept that the project manager or team leader should coach the team as part of their role.

How We Learn by Knud Illeris

This fully revised edition of How We Learn examines what learning actually is and why and how learning and non-learning takes place. Focusing exclusively on learning itself, it provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to traditional learning theory and the newest international contributions, while at the same time presenting an innovative and holistic understanding of learning.

Evolved Enterprise by Yanik Silver

How transformative are you as a business? If you need help defining that you might want to pick up Evolved Enterprise by Yanik Silver. A book that is full of exercises, models, examples of those type of companies.

L&D Skillnet

The L&D Skillnet provides funded training and opportunities to L&D and Talent Development professionals for their CPD.

Really useful website for all areas of L&D, Change and HR